Destination Properties Northern Utah

How To Prepare Your House To Be Sold

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How To Prepare Your House For Sell

You want to get the most for your house, and there are many things you can do to help turn the odds in your favor. By making your house look presentable, having a professional home inspection done, and making any necessary updates that will appeal to buyers, you stand more than a fighting chance at building interest in your property.

A Clean House Is A Buyable House

Did you ever notice how clean homes somehow look bigger? Tidying things up is a good habits to have anyway. But when you’re trying to sell your house, it can make a world of difference. Now, this can and should take on two different forms:
Cleaning the home

Decluttering the home

Even though they sound similar, both play unique parts in helping you sell your home. Putting both cleaning and decluttering at the top of your list will not only get you on the right track, but give you an extra boost forward.

Clean The Home

You know what they say, a clean house is a happy house. And that’s what you’re looking for when preparing to sell your home. Give the place a scrub from top to bottom. Make sure that everything is in its proper place. Buyers might not be able to put their finger on it, but there will be a very welcome feeling that comes with entering a clean home.

A lack of organization gives the impression of less space, which is a turn off for buyers. Meanwhile, making sure to tidy up gives a completely different, more spacious, impression.

Don’t Forget To Declutter

Speaking of spacious, there’s a lot to be said for creating more space. If you’re looking to sell your house, now is a great time to get rid of the stuff that you don’t want or need anymore. This comes with two benefits:
Your home will look much more open, which is something that prospective buyers dream about
You have an opportunity to clear away your unwanteds so that you can start fresh, which means more room to plant your roots in your new home

Potential buyers are looking to get the most for their money. Cleaning and decluttering your home will make the property all the more presentable, giving a fresher and more open feeling.

Getting A Home Inspection Helps When Selling Your House

You want to give potential buyers every reason to buy your house. Getting a home inspection done by a professional will help you do just that. A home inspector will examine the property, both interior and exterior, thoroughly searching for anything that might affect how much you could sell your home for.

Before you put your property on the market, here are reasons why you should have your home inspected:
A professional home inspection will make you aware of potential major and minor issues that might affect the final price of your home
There are several lenders out there that won’t offer financing if an inspection hasn’t been done
A home inspection could possibly unveil major safety issues (like mold, deterioration, or bad wiring) which could be harmful to you or your buyers
Most buyers demand that a home inspection be performed, and might walk away if you’re unwilling
You can get quotes for repairs that are needed and make sure they’re completed before listing your home, which will only boost the value of your property

As you can see, a home inspection is for your protection as well as that of potential buyers. Having one done will greatly expand the number of people who will consider buying your home, by showing that you have a quality house to offer.

House Staging And You

Like the name suggests, “house staging” is setting the stage for potential buyers. While cleaning and decluttering makes more space, home staging makes the property picture perfect. It is an effective way of presenting your home in a way that will make people interested and comes with more than a few benefits:
It makes it easier for potential buyers to imagine what it would be like to live in the home. According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), 82% of buyers could more easily visualize living in a home because of staging
House staging gives your house a “finished” look, meaning that the best parts of the home stand out more strongly and the negative parts shrink

Staged homes make for great marketing photos, which catch the eyes more easily of people scrolling on listing sites or social media. According to the National Association of Realtors, 99% of millennial home buyers start searching for homes by looking online. A well staged home photo has a higher chance of being scene

Prospective buyers are going to enter your home asking themselves, “Could I see myself living here?” House staging is your way of giving them a resounding, “Yes.”

House staging can be as simple as decluttering and rearranging your furniture. But if you’re really wanting to make an impression, here are some tips you can follow:
Strategically arrange your furniture so that the bulkier pieces are not present, creating more space
Paint the walls a neutral color, which will make the room feel brighter and bigger
Add floral arrangements to add splashes of color that will make the property look more lively

If you’re wanting to increase your chances of attracting interested buyers, house staging is a great way to get started.

Give Yourself A Boost With Destination Properties

If you’re ready to get started on selling your house, then you’re ready for Destination Properties. We offer every real estate listing in Northern Utah and bring to the table over 25 years of experience. Our team of agents are ready to help you get the best for your property.

If you’re ready to get started, or have any questions, you can email us at
info(at)destinationpropertiesutah(dotted)com or give us a call at 801.745.2009. We’d love to hear from you and are happy to help.

Get started today and you’ll see why we are the #1 real estate agency out of Eden, Utah.

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